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Support Article: Claims Tracking  

The latest feature in The Agency Advantage is the ability to track claims. Claim tracking can be seen from two areas of the customer folder: the initial view of the customer folder and inside each policy where the claim is related.

The Claims tab is at the far right and lists basic information about the claim including Date Reported, Policy Number, Claim Number and Claim Status. This is a summary of all the claims for that customer, including all their policies, past and present.

Below is a view of the Claims tab on the policy detail screen.

To enter a claim simply click on the Add button from the Claims tab in the Customer Folder screen or from the Policy Details screen. Enter the desired information, then choose print, or exit to save the information. If you need to edit the Claim, simply double-click on the entry in the Claims tab list.

A new report has also been added to track claims by date. It can be found on the Reports menu.

In the future, claims downloads from companies may be available.

Written by: Tina Stewart




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